By: pcr3|11 October, 2017|Categories: Articles & Columns
An American Trauma Surgeon Responds: Dear Dr. Roberts: This note is in response to your invitation for medical professionals to comment on the LV shootings with respect to the authenticity of the publicly available videos and whether they prove or disprove that actual victims were injured or killed. I am a retired surgeon with experience in managing patients with massive…
Read more »Evidence That the Israel Lobby Is a Larger Threat to the West Than Muslim Terrorists
Read more »By: pcr3|11 October, 2017|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions
More Responses to the Military Surgeon’s Letter The question before us is not whether people were shot or not, but if they were shot, why the crisis actors carrying pretend wounded into a hospital and why unrealistically quick recoveries from gunshot trauma? I have the names and email addresses of the respondants, but do not pubish their names as helpful…
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