The Most Essential Lesson of History That No One Wants To Admit

The Most Essential Lesson of History That No One Wants To Admit

This is a very important article by Thad Beversdorf:

The article documents that US military invasions of Iraq and Syria were planned long in advance of 9/11 and that the conflict that Washington is engineering with Russia long predates the conflict that Washington has orchestrated in Ukraine.

Beversdorf demonstrates that the same handful of neoconservatives have been involved in writing policy papers that define Iraq, Syria, and Russia as threats. With the threat defined, the same people write letters to the US president describing an urgent need to act. Then the same people appointed to office and in power implement the military actions against the threat.

Beversdorf establishes that it is all based on lies and deception of the Western peoples.
Now the same handful of neoconservative ideologues are focused on “destroying Russia economically to disable them militarily in an effort to prevent a Sino-Soviet alliance.” This attempt to fortify Washington’s power over the world has the earmarks of World War III.

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