By: pcr3|08 March, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website requires public support. Without that support, the website closes down. Harvard University, Formerly a Great Institution of Learning, now Corrupted by Money Paul Craig Roberts Harvard University has just announced that the university has dropped its Covid “vaccine” mandate that the university has coerced students to accept. It would be interesting to know how many Harvard students the…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 March, 2024|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
The Gaggle Talks to Paul Craig Roberts PCR discusses Ukraine & Middle East wars and Victoria Nuland with George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle
Read more »By: pcr3|08 March, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
“The federal government has now admitted that it has been actively flying illegal immigrants directly into the United States. So far, it has facilitated air travel for 320,000 illegal immigrants. “This is in addition to the others who travel to the U.S.–Mexico border and surrender themselves to authorities to enter the amnesty system. Behind this program is a government app…
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