US, UK, EU, Germany Rush to Endorse Israel’s War Crimes But Condemn Palestinians for the Same

US, UK, EU, Germany Rush to Endorse Israel’s War Crimes But Condemn Palestinians for the Same–1114325687.html 

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Hypocrisy Rules in the White House

Hypocrisy Rules in the White House In the same sentence, President Biden condemned Putin’s “barbaric invasion” over a smaller neighbor while begging for tens of billions for Israel to…carry out a barbaric invasion over its smaller neighbor.  — Simplicius 

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Britain’s Pending “Online Safety Bill” Turns Free Speech into a Felony

Britain’s Pending “Online Safety Bill” Turns Free Speech into a Felony Paul Craig Roberts “We are used to Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World being held up as a mirror to our current predicament. But there is a third novel in Britain’s dystopian trilogy. In Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, a politician visits a jail to look for a…

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