By: pcr3|24 July, 2023|Categories: Guest Contributions
Kentucky Nurses Coerced to Submit to Woke Brainwashing or Lose Jobs In all aspects of American life–military, medial, education, corporate, government–people are being forced to undergo indoctrination. The Woke are imposing totalitarianism.
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2023|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Ever Widening War
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We have lost our country. How do we get her back? Paul Craig Roberts This is from three years, two months ago: China: The much needed enemy From Mike Whitney’s recent column, the situation was worsened. The US will suffer, not China. It is very distressing to watch America’s anti-American intellectual class, with its hold over public schools, universities…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2023|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Smear Against RFK, Jr. By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2023|Categories: Guest Contributions
Tony Fauci Denied Under Oath that the US funded the Wuhan Lab in China. If this is so, how did the Biden regime suspend US federal funding for the Wuhan Lab? How can funding be suspended if it is not funded? Fauci is free, but Trump is persecuted by the Biden regime. ‘Grandstanding’? Biden Suspends U.S. Funding for Coronavirus Research…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2023|Categories: Guest Contributions
Biden Regime Actively Engaged in Suppression of Evidence Unfavorable to Big Pharma New “Twitter Files” recently released by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveal how a “dark money group” helped the White House and Twitter flag social media posts by Children’s Health Defense and its chairman on leave, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., that contradicted the official government narrative on COVID-19.…
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