By: pcr3|29 June, 2023|Categories: Articles & Columns
Update: June 30, 2023 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, belatedly realizing the damage done to Putin by his mischaracterization of the alleged “mutiny” as an armed rebellion that threatened the Russian nation, has tried to rectify the situation by declaring the “mutiny” as nothing more than a “tussle.” True Story of the “Mutiny” Begins to Emerge Paul Craig Roberts…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 June, 2023|Categories: Articles & Columns
Thoughts on the Digital Revolution, Corporate Medicine, and Infinitely Expanding Racism Paul Craig Roberts The digital revolution is inconsistent with human freedom. The digital revolution gives governments powers to spy and to control that are complete. There is no privacy, and no independence once digital money is the only means of transactions. In George Orwell’s 1984 Big Brother spied on…
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