By: pcr3|19 November, 2022|Categories: Articles & Columns
Democrats Declare the First Amendment to be a Fascist Document Paul Craig Roberts Dear Friends and Donors, America’s two best journalists, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, both come from the left, and Greenwald is homosexual. Both have been evicted from their positions and Greenwald was even forced out of the Internet media company that he created. The reason is that…
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Democrat Senator Schumer Calls for White Replacement with Immigrant-invaders Paul Craig Roberts When it became obvious that the purpose of the Democrats’ policy of open American borders was to replace the Republican-voting white population with third world immigrant-invaders who vote Democrat in exchange for handouts, the professional liars known as “fact checkers,” the presstitutes, and the Democrats all screamed “racist…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
As this report indicates, the US Government is determined to control all thought And social media is determined to control all speech
Read more »By: pcr3|19 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Whore Democrats Are Promising Kari Lake a Career if She Will Not Contest the Election Stolen from Her and Drop Trump Don’t fight. Accept the status quo. Kari says: “Never.”
Read more »By: pcr3|19 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
Why Does Russia Think the West Cares that Russian POWs are Executed by Ukrainian Nazis? Considering the rabid lies that comprise Western propaganda against Russia, Execution is what the West thinks is appropriate for Russians If the Kremlin doesn’t want its soldiers executed, the Kremlin should do a better job of fighting its war. Why do Russians surrender when they…
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