FBI Charges Against Capitol Trespassers Reveal Pre-planning and Erode Incitement Allegation

FBI Charges Against Capitol Trespassers Reveal Pre-planning and Erode Incitement Allegation Anyone with a lick of sense knows that there was no incitement in Trump’s address to his supporters to “storm the Capitol.”  Dishonest Democrats and media ignored Trump’s call  to “peacefully and patriotically” make their voices heard and misrepresented a call for political activism as a call for insurrection.…

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If You Catch Covid and Your Doctor Doesn’t Prescribe HCQ He Is Murdering You

If You Catch Covid and Your Doctor Doesn’t Prescribe HCQ He Is Murdering You Authorities have treated Covid as a profit issue and a control measure, not a health issue. Read this and you will understand that trust in public health officials is not warranted, and certainly the media is unworthy of trust. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/02/07/hydroxychloroquine-for-covid.aspx?ui=d6f9800dd9804349d04d8435949da854e11eb293d971d75b462291fbd5951934&sd=20210201&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20210207_HL2&mid=DM797834&rid=1078408112 

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The Russians Seem Stuck in the Role of Suitor.  Will They Ever Learn?

The Russians Seem Stuck in the Role of Suitor.  Will They Ever Learn? Will Russian nonresponse to aggression encourage more aggression and result in war? https://stephenlendman.org/2021/02/lavrov-v-borrell/ 

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Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance

Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance Paul Craig Roberts The official narrative that there was no election theft is likely the largest lie ever perpetrated on the world.  The lie is so vast and so fragile that everyone who disagrees with the official narrative is suppressed, deplatformed, kicked off social media, ostracized, and fired from…

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