By: pcr3|18 February, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The latest on Coronavirus A MD in Norway has sent this message: Zero Hedge has published an article that has appeared, after I sent my mail to you (and many others), that confirms my assertions that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) attacks heart muscle and that it spontaneously reactivates itself and in short that it is a terrible deadly virus.…
Read more »By: pcr3|18 February, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Censorship Prevail Over The First Amendment? Paul Craig Roberts I remember when censorship in America was a limited phemonenon. It applied during war time—“loose lips sink ships.” It applied to pornography. It applied to curse words on the public airwaves and in movies. It applied to violence in movies. There could be violence, but not the level that has…
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