The Purveyors of Fake News Are the Presstitutes, Not the 200 List
Read more »Why Russia Was Not The Source of the Emails
Read more »By: pcr3|12 December, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
Rogue Elements of the CIA Are Operating Against President-elect Trump Paul Craig Roberts Alex Jones catches a lot of grief. Some of it he brings on himself by being over the top, but most of the criticism he receives comes from his practice of dragging into the news issues that otherwise would remained cloaked in silence. Alex is certainly correct…
Read more »Top Experts Dismiss Reported Claim That Russia Influenced the US Election Presstitutes such as the New York Times and Reuters continue to hype an alleged CIA finding that Russians hacked Hillary’s emails and used them to influence the election outcome. As a number of experts have noted, there is no evidence whatsoever for the claim, which is in the category…
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