Clinton Destroyed The Financial System Nomi Prins points out how Wall Street and the Big Banks used money to seduce the Clintons and then used the Clintons to remake the US financial system in the interest of the maximum profits of the Big Banks. Try to imagine your fate if the Clintons get a second crack at your wellbeing. Read…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 May, 2015|Categories: Dave Kranzler . Guest Contributions
More Lies From Your Government guest column by Dave Kranzler The Government Fraudulently Reported April Inflation Numbers
Read more »By: pcr3|22 May, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Color Revolution for Macedonia Paul Craig Roberts During the Cold War Washington was concerned about communists fomenting street protests that they could turn into revolutions, with groomed politicians waiting in the wings to take over the new government, thus expanding the Soviet empire. Today this is precisely what Washington does. We recently witnessed this operation in Ukraine and now…
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