By: pcr3|29 April, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Dwindling US Economy Paul Craig Roberts The announcement today (April 29) of a barely positive GDP first quarter 2015 growth rate of 0.2 percent (two-tenths of one percent) is an intentional exaggeration. Today’s GDP report is the “advance estimate.” There will be two revisions, with the first occurring in one month on May 29. Although the “consensus estimate,” which…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 April, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Public Sector Is A Milk Cow For Private Enterprise Paul Craig Roberts Social Security and Medicare are under attack from Wall Street, conservatives, and free market economists. The claims are that these programs are unaffordable and that the programs can be run more efficiently and at less cost if privatized. The programs are disparaged as “entitlements.” The word has…
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