By: Interviews|23 November, 2011|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: this is an amazing picture
EXCELLENT! Paul Craig Roberts GOP debate is an amazing collection of stupidity This is a GREAT INTERVIEW! I love his comments about Ron Paul.. Maybe this is why I like this interview so much? hehehe Uploaded by RTAmerica on Nov 23, 2011 Last night's GOP debate focused on foreign policy and national security. The presidential hopefuls debated topics from the…
Read more »By: algol|23 November, 2011|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: paul craig roberts economic collapse end wars
November 23, 2011: The day before the Thanksgiving holiday brought three extraordinary news items. One was the report on the Republican presidential campaign debate. One was the Russian President’s statement about his country’s response to Washington’s missile bases surrounding his country. And one was the failure of a German government bond auction. As the presstitute media will not inform us…
Read more »By: Interviews|23 November, 2011|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts: GOP debate is an amazing collection of stupidity Last night's GOP debate focused on foreign policy and national security. The presidential hopefuls debated topics from the Patriot Act to the roll of the TSA, while some critical topics were avoided such as the Eurozone and Iran. Doctor Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration official and columnist, gives…
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