By: pcr3|05 August, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
Tulsi Gabbard: R.I.P. Paul Craig Roberts It is unfortunate that Tulsi Gabbard succumbed to the Israel Lobby. The forces of the Empire saw it as a sign of weakness and have set about destroying her. The ruling elite see Gabbard as a threat just as they saw Trump as a threat. A threat is an attractive political candidate who questions…
Read more »Justice in America The days of law have passed. When law is used as a weapon, as it is in the US today, the ultimate result is the destruction of trust in legal, political, and social institutions and the advent of violent social conflict. In Charlottesville it was the innocent who were prosecuted, not the Antifa thugs responsible for the…
Read more »White People Are Too Afraid of Being Called Racist to Protect Their Own Children Aedon Cassiel explains a lot, but he doesn’t explain why it is “racist” and “far-right” for white people to defend themselves and their children. Perhaps the reason the presstitutes are helping Democrat elites coverup Pizzagate is that the presstitutes themselves are part of the pedophile ring.…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 August, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
More Fake News About Jobs: Part 2 Paul Craig Roberts Yesterday’s column referred to a “rising labor force participation rate” when it should have read “falling labor force participation rate.” Those of you who read the column before I made the correction must have been puzzled, but, little doubt, figured it out from the context. One of the main points…
Read more »Gender studies professor: Women who believe men can’t become women are like white supremacists Won’t be long before universities will be totally discredited. \
Read more »By: pcr3|02 August, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
More Fake Happy News About Jobs Paul Craig Roberts The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the US economy created 148,000 new private sector jobs during July. The jobs number does not translate into employed people as increasingly Americans hold two or more jobs. For example, the BLS reports that from June to July the number of multiple job holders…
Read more »Federal judge John G. Koeltl Ruled Against Criminal US Government’s Attempt to Frame Julian Assange and Destroy the First Amendment That presstitutes such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and NPR have sided with Washington criminals against the First Amendment proves that they are propaganda instruments for tyranny. If Americans valued freedom, these instruments of tyranny…
Read more »Crazed Democrats Now Claim it is Tulsi Gabbard who is in Conspiracy with Putin to steal the Democratic Presidential nomination from Kamala Harris
Read more »Ron Unz Explains Blackmail as a Means of Political Control
Read more »Humanness Is Being Conquered by AI
Read more »5G Agriculture – Food from Frankenstein Farming
Read more »By: pcr3|01 August, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
America’s Collapse: #2 in a series An Economy Based on Plunder Paul Craig Roberts Capitalists have claimed responsibility for America’s past economic success. Let’s begin by setting the record straight. American success had little to do with capitalism. This is not to say that the US would have had more success with something like Soviet central planning. Prior to 1900 when…
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