By: Interviews|03 August, 2011|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today
Debt ceiling doesn’t fix the economy Debt ceiling doesn't fix the economy Lawmakers have built up the suspense for the last several weeks about the debt ceiling issue and let the clock run down almost to the last second. Yesterday the bill passed in the House and today the Senate passed the bill as well. Obama has already signed off…
Read more »By: Interviews|25 July, 2011|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today
Dancing with Default This past weekend President Obama called for a mandatory meeting to try to come to a resolve to raising the debt ceiling. Top lawmakers met with the president, but was anything settled upon? Are we any closer to a solution? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan Administration Official, sheds some light on the situation.
Read more »By: Interviews|28 June, 2011|Categories: Interview archive . PressTv
‘Obama’s debt ceiling raises a hoax’ 'Obama's debt ceiling raises a hoax' US President Barack Obama's last-minute effort to get a congressional consensus to raise the country's debt ceiling is a “hoax” and he will continue to spend anyhow, a political analyst says. Press TV has interviewed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury in Atlanta, to…
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