15 April, 2014|Categories: Dave Kranzler . Guest Contributions
Dave Kranzler reports on the latest manipulation of the gold price Shortly after the Shanghai gold market closed last night, the market manipulators went to work on the gold price. Gold was taken down another $20 during the morning trading in London, primarily in three HFT trading induced “mini flash crashes.” There were not any related news reports or events…
Read more »09 April, 2014|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
USA Watchdog Interviews PCR on the Dollar vs. Gold Fight to the Death http://usawatchdog.com/gold-us-dollar-fight-to-the-death-paul-craig-roberts/
Read more »21 January, 2014|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews|Tags: paul craig roberts gold manipulation
Is the Fed’s ability to manipulate the price of gold running out? Paul Craig Roberts interviewed on USAWatchdog by Greg Hunter http://usawatchdog.com/fed-they-do-not-have-any-more-gold-paul-craig-roberts/
Read more »17 January, 2014|Categories: Articles & Columns . Dave Kranzler . Guest Contributions
Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler. The deregulation of the financial system during the Clinton and George W. Bush regimes had the predictable result: financial concentration and reckless behavior. A handful of banks grew so large that financial authorities declared them “too big to fail.” Removed from market discipline, the banks became wards of the government requiring massive creation of…
Read more »25 October, 2013|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other
Gold Wars I do not know what role facts, evidence, or a desire to know the truth any longer play in American lives. This article http://www.alternet.org/media/most-depressing-discovery-about-brain-ever?paging=off confirms my experience as a scholar, journalist, public policy maker, and corporate director. The vast majority of people believe what they want to believe. Facts and evidence have little to do with it. People…
Read more »02 September, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . SOTT Report
Dr Paul Craig Roberts on gold and gangster capitalism YouTube Gold was always considered as solid and save instrument. Many Countries currency was based on Gold reserves. People loved to make investment in Gold. But now…
Read more »06 June, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews|Tags: robert s gold
Read more »05 June, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on gold and gangster capitalism Subscribe to our newsletter at http://www.goldmoney.com/goldresearch. Episode 129: Andy Duncan has the pleasure to interview former Assistant Secretary of th…
Read more »20 May, 2013|Categories: Articles & Columns
You know that gold bear market that the financial press keeps touting? The one George Soros keeps proclaiming? Well, it is not there. The gold bear market is disinformation that is helping elites acquire the gold. Certainly, Soros himself doesn’t believe it, as the 13-F release issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 15 proves. George Soros has…
Read more »20 April, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today
Keiser Report: Correlation & Causation of Gold Price (E434) (ft. Paul Craig Roberts) In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Reinhart and Rogoff, Excel errors, correlation and causation and the gold selloff …
Read more »16 April, 2013|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: paul craig roberts invest in gold
April 18 Note: At the online retailer Gainesville coins, and everywhere else, the increased premiums above the spot price of gold and silver indicate that the demand for bullion possession, that is, the demand for the metal itself, is greater than the price established in the paper market by manipulation. The premium on a gold eagle over the spot price…
Read more »13 April, 2013|Categories: Articles & Columns
NOTE: Gold weights are based on metric tons and Troy ounces. 500 metric tons of gold would be 16,075,000 troy ounces. This changes the arithmetic slightly but not the point I was the first to point out that the Federal Reserve was rigging all markets, not merely bond prices and interest rates, and that the Fed is rigging the bullion…
Read more »12 April, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews|Tags: www.paulcraigroberts.orgfed orchestrated smash on gold
Read more »11 April, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews|Tags: paul roberts interview with greg hunter
Read more »04 April, 2013|Categories: Articles & Columns
For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at hand. The evidence for this conclusion is the concerted effort by the Federal Reserve and its dependent financial institutions to scare people away from gold and silver by driving down their prices. When gold prices hit $1,917.50 an ounce on August 23, 2011, a gain of more than $500 an…
Read more »30 March, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
Read more »11 September, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
Fabrice Drouin Ristori, founder of Goldbroker.com, interviews Paul Craig Roberts. [This article was originally published: https://www.goldbroker.com/news/interview-paul-craig-roberts-by-fabrice-drouin-ristori-gold-current-monetary-system-102.html] Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week, columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service and columnist for Creators Syndicate. He has…
Read more »26 November, 2011|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: greece sitepaulcraigroberts.org
On November 25, two days after a failed German government bond auction in which Germany was unable to sell 35% of its offerings of 10-year bonds, the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble said that Germany might retreat from its demands that the private banks that hold the troubled sovereign debt from Greece, Italy, and Spain must accept part of the…
Read more »29 October, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Read more »11 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Republicans seem to be content with law used against them as a weapon Paul Craig Roberts This is a prosecutor who weaponized law: The Democrats’ “Special Counsel” Jack Smith is so openly interfering in the November Presidential election that even the Trump-hating New York Times has called him to account. A trump critic, Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith, wrote…
Read more »10 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Harvard comes in dead last in nationwide free speech rankings Paul Craig Roberts This is the second consecutive year that Harvard was found to be the worst college or university for free speech. Its climate of free speech was deemed to be “abysmal.” https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2024/09/05/harvard-comes-in-dead-last-in-nationwide-free-speech-rankings/?s_campaign=Email:BComTonight&SUBID=b482944a5d&AUDID=30689078 Harvard, once a great university, is now nothing but a shithole indoctrination center. More money is…
Read more »07 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
List updated Sept 8 I am Proud of my Readers For me the reward from the website is the intelligent readers. You provide an escape from American insouciance. Thank you for responding to my question about who we should expect to find on the Ruling Establishment’s list of those to be silenced or exterminated. We all know, of course, that…
Read more »02 September, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Why Do Democrats want a piece of excrement like Kamala to be President of the United States? https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/01/kamala-harris-gold-star-families-arlington-national-cemetery-donald-trump/
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