What Goes Around Comes Around

What Goes Around Comes Around

Paul Craig Roberts

Rudy Giuliana used his position as a US attorney to achieve celebrity convictions that gave him name recognition that elected him mayor of New York.  Giuliana’s targets were “junk bond king” Michael Milken and “mean queen” Leona Helmsley.  

I covered both cases and remain convinced that with the media’s help and with witness testimony purchased with dropped charges, Giuliana framed both of his victims using the dirtiest prosecutorial tactics that have come to comprise “American justice.”

Then the corrupt prosecutorial practices that he had used were used against him following his effort to reveal evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.  Giuliana is innocent, just as Milken and Helmsley were innocent. But as in the cases of Milken and Helmsley, facts didn’t matter. 

With his publicly supported legal defense fund, Giuliana has retained his NY co-op, Florida condominium and personal belongings.  He has a remaining trial in 2026 in the corrupt Democrat state of Arizona.

I often wonder if Giuliana ever compares his plight with the plights he inflicted on Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley.

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