Immigrant-invader Advocates Run the Biden Justice (sic) Department

Immigrant-invader Advocates Run the Biden Justice (sic) Department

Biden Gestapo fines American restaurant for “requiring more documents than necessary” to verify non-citizens work permits.  

How did caution get to be a crime?  Because the open borders DOJ say it is “racist” to treat a non-citizen different from a citizen.  Listen to Kristen Clarke speaking for the DOJ Immigrant and Employee Rights division:

“Discriminatory treatment during any step of the employment process harms workers who are lawfully participating in our economy and can deprive employers of their talents.”

Because the restaurant required non-citizens, but not citizens, to present a Social Security card, the restaurant had to pay $95,000.  Here we see the use of “justice” for extortion. Was that $95,000 the restaurant owner’s kid’s college tuition? Will the kid now be burdened with a student loan?  Does it really matter that a non-citizen had to show a Social Security card?  I can’t even access my own bank account without providing “the last four of your Social.”

The Biden regime really had to be looking for something to stick it to Americans in order to come up with this. The restaurant must have had a pro-Trump poster visible. 

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