The Return of Status-based Law

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The Return of Status-based Law

Paul Craig Roberts 

In this episode of On Target, Larry Sparano and I discuss the assault on the Constitution by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader of the Senate, and president-elect Donald Trump.  The assault weapon is the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which has already passed the Republican House.  Senator Schumer is attempting to avoid a stand alone vote on the Act by attaching it to the defense appropriations bill.  That way the  senators can say they voted for the defense bill and not against the First and Fourteenth Amendments.  

The Antisemitism Awareness Act is the Israel Lobby’s response to the university protests against Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians.  The bill conflates Israel with Jews, defines Jews as “protected persons,” and removes accreditation and federal financial support from universities that fail to prevent student protests against Israel and Jews in general.  In effect it prohibits criticism of Jews.  Criticism is undefined. In practice it will include anything to which Jews object.

The Act is a violation of the 14th Amendment which requires equal protection of the law.  The Antisemitism Awareness Act creates status-based privileges for a specific group that are denied to others.  The Act also violates the 1st Amendment’s protection of free speech.

So, why did the Republican Speaker of the House have the House of Representatives vote against the US Constitution?  Why is the Democrat Senate Majority Leader trying to have the Act passed by attaching it to a defense bill?  Why did Trump say that universities that permit protests of Israel’s murderous behavior should lose their accreditation and federal aid? Why is preventing criticism of Jews more important than the US Constitution?

The supporters of the Act have not said why only Jews among the many diverse peoples of the world are to be given the special privilege of immunity from criticism. It will be OK to criticize, Americans, Europeans, Asians, Arabs, Africans, Hispanics, but not Jews.

In addition to the obvious unconstitutional content of the Act, there is an unacknowledged problem.  What about Jews who criticize Israel?   There are many of them.  There are Israelis who protest the murderous policies of Netanyahu.  Also, many US university presidents are Jews. How can they be punished by an Act that prohibits criticism of Jews? Punishment itself is an act of criticism.  What happens when it is Jewish students and faculty who protest against Israel?

The House of Representatives’ vote against the US Constitution demonstrates the power of campaign donations. A member of Congress has to give the Israel Lobby what it wants or the money goes to one’s opponent.  The same is true in the case of many other interest groups. Go against the military/security complex, Big Pharma, the financial lobby, and so forth, and the campaign money goes to your opponent.

The realities of political campaign finance is the reason the people’s elected representatives cannot represent the people.  They have to represent the interest groups that provide the funds that get them elected.

American democracy is a sham. We are ruled by the interest groups that purchase the government.  Until the money is taken out of politics, American democracy will remain a sham, and the Constitution will die the death of a thousand cuts.

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