Here are the Democrat total vote count figures for the last six elections:
2004 Kerry – 59M
2008 Obama – 69.5M
2012 Obama – 65.9M
2016 Clinton – 65.9M
2020 Biden – 81.3M
2024 Harris – 66.4M
Notice anything?
The 2020 President Election Was Stolen
Paul Craig Roberts
The despicable whores called “fact checkers,” who prostitute themselves by telling lies for money said I am a “conspiracy theorist” for reporting the findings of experts that the Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election. Notice, just reporting the findings of experts makes you a “conspiracy theorist.”
Look at the graph showing the reported Biden vote count in 2020. Is there a single person anywhere on Earth stupid enough to believe it? THERE WAS ZERO ENTHUSIASM FOR BIDEN. As Trump said, Biden campaigned from his basement. NO ONE ATTENDED HIS RALLIES, AND HE DISCONTINUED THEM.
Remember, Biden did not campaign. After his first few attempts, his public rallies ceased, because no one attended and the cameras could not hide the absence of people. In contrast, every one of the numerous Trump rallies was heavily attended. So how did Biden get 10 million more votes in 2020 than Trump just received in his high turnout landslide victory? How did Biden get 15 million more votes than Obama? 15 million more votes than Hillary Clinton? HE DID NOT !
Remember, numerous experts provided hard evidence of the many methods used to produce the fraudulent Biden vote: electronic voting machines, street corner drop boxes, interruption of vote counting until truck loads of forged ballots could be delivered, and so forth.
Remember, the presstitute media immediately before the evidence of fraud was presented spoke with one voice over and over: “there was no vote fraud.” How did the presstitutes know? The presstitutes made no investigation of the evidence. The presstitutes just shouted down the evidence. They lied through their teeth.
The only function of the American media is to prevent the American people from knowing the truth. How can a democracy exist when the media is completely devoid of integrity?
How can such a totally corrupt media be tolerated?
Kamala only won in the states where no ID was required to vote. In other words, she only won in states where election officials did not know who was voting and where there was no meaningful voter registration.
Notice that in California Kamala only won along a thin coastal strip. The majority of the state is red.
Notice that in Virginia Kamala only won in the McClean, Alexandria, and Arlington bedroom communities for the lobby groups that for far too many years have controlled Washington’s decisions in the interest of their own profits. All the while conservatives were defending business which was selling out every conservative. The conservatives are still doing it today.
Notice that even in the Northeast, the part of America that Barry Goldwater said should be cut loose and left to float off into the Atlantic, is mostly red.
Nothing could make it clearer that a tiny minority of the country has been been in control to America’s great disadvantage for too many years.
Let’s hope that Trump and his transition team in the euphoria of victory don’t adopt the line being pushed by the whore media to forgive enemies for the sake of unity. Forgiveness will present Trump’s back for the many knives that await.
Trump and MAGA Americans have little idea of the power and evil that they are up against. Trump’s agenda is an existential threat to the Ruling Establishment. The Establishment is institutionalized. Despite Trump’s election the Establishment is still in Power as powerful institutional platforms remain in their hands. Trump’s euphoria is serving him and his supporters badly. It is leaving him and them off-guard. They simply do not comprehend that Trump has launched an insurrection against a powerful entrenched ruling class that most certainly has not folded its tents. Such an insurrection cannot be accomplished with milk toast appointees.
Trump and MAGA America remain vulnerable.
We already see crumblings. A businessman on Trump’s transition team, according to reports, said that no appointment will be given to Robert Kennedy, who will just collect information about vaccines and food. The argument apparently is that RFK, Jr. would be a confirmation problem. Big Pharma would be in every Senator’s office telling the Senator that if he votes to confirm Kennedy in office, all campaign contributions will be given to his opponent. Trump’s advisors are saying Kennedy’s appointment would begin Trump’s renewal of American with a defeat. Better to sacrifice Kennedy.
Is there no one in Trump’s group capable of understanding that the Senate’s rejection of RFJ Jr. would enormously empower Trump? He could go on national TV or Tucker Carlson’s site and on X and say: “Here are the names of the RINOs who blocked my promise to protect you against poisoned vaccines and food. Big Pharma’s agents blocked Bobby’s appointment. These senators are our enemies. They are preventing America’s renewal. We don’t need them. Get the bastards out of the Senate.”
If Trump is not prepared to fight on this level, there will be no renewal of America.
Complete election analysis available here: