Netanyahu’s Speech to a Groveling US Congress Was so Bad that even the New York Times Complained

Netanyahu’s Speech to a Groveling US Congress Was so Bad that even the New York Times Complained

“History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he is a visitor we deserve. Gaza is our war, too, thanks to the indispensable military aid and political cover the US government has lavished on Israel as the death toll climbs… What exploded as a war of retribution against Hamas has looked increasingly like a broader campaign of annihilation — the slaughter of trapped civilians; the excruciating deaths of thousands of children; the destruction of hospitals, schools and much of the civilian infrastructure.” — Megan K. Stack, New York Times

John V. Whitbeck expresses his outrage over American obeisance to Netanyahu:

“I have just witnessed the most pathetic and humiliating hour which I, as an American, have experienced in my lifetime.
After virtually every sentence uttered by the notorious war-criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, no matter how inane or blatantly false, virtually all the attending political prostitutes infesting the U.S. Congress rose (53 times!) in a loud standing grovel of homage to their puppet-master, most long and loudly when he condemned pro-justice and anti-genocide protestors on American campuses and on the streets of Washington during his speech as “useful idiots” financed by Iran.

“Anyone watching this obscene spectacle could only conclude that the United States of America has ceased to be a respectable independent country and is now, as, indeed, it has been for many years already, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State of Israel, with shared values which are rightfully rejected by the overwhelming majority of mankind.

“By their venality, cowardice, moral bankruptcy and near-treason, the American political class is flushing a once great country down history’s toilet, and the Global West, if it does not soon liberate itself from domination by the Israeli-American Empire, risks a similar fate.”

Philip M. Giraldi sums it up:

“And so ends another exciting week in what once passed for the Capital of the United States of America. The visit by Netanyahu benefited certain politicians since to be qualified as an American presidential or vice-presidential candidate, you need to be photographed embracing a grinning genocidal psychopath from Israel. It keeps the cash flowing and the newspapers are empowered to tell lies on your behalf. Unfortunately, when the Israeli monsters are being received by their groveling hosts it also speaks most clearly to what we have become as a country while serving as the Israeli lapdog. Washington must finally confront the reality that its bloody close embrace of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza is not advancing any US interests or promoting regional stability. In fact, it is doing the opposite. What has happened to America is the real tragedy.”

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