Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Josh Shapiro

Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Josh Shapiro

Josh Shapiro, the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, a swing state, is among those under consideration as the Democrat presidential or vice presidential candidate.

While serving as Pennsylvania attorney general, Shapiro seems to have had a role in covering up what looks like a murder. Despite medical evidence to the contrary and the initial ruling by the medical examiner of homicide, Shapiro ruled Ellen Greenberg’s death from 20 knife stabs a suicide. This despite medical opinion that any one of 4 of the stabs would have resulted in immediate death and at least one stab wound was delivered after death.

It seems that Ellen Greenberg’s death was ruled a suicide in order to avoid an investigation that might have brought suspicion on her finance, Sam Goldberg, son of a wealthy and politically influential family.

Ellen Greenberg’s parents have been trying for 13 years to get documents released that would support a reopening of how the medical examiner’s decision was changed from homicide to suicide. Larry Sparano, a journalist, has covered the case. In this video are his interviews with the parents and with their attorney:

Do the Democrats really want someone who might be involved in political interference in a murder case as a presidential level candidate?

In America’s “justice system” it is not unusual for obvious murders to be ruled suicides and left uninvestigated. Remember the Epstein case. Epstein somehow managed to commit suicide in a suicide proof cell. The cameras were somehow turned off, and the two guards assigned to watch Epstein somehow were not on the job.

Jesse Trentadue has been trying since 1995 to get information released from the US Dept of Justice (sic) about the “suicide” of his brother Kenneth in a suicide proof federal cell. Kenneth’s body was covered head to toe in bruises and burns and his throat was cut.

In the United States it seems to be the case that politically inconvenient evidence is easily shunted aside. We are observing it once more in the political coverup of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

In the US the “justice system” does not serve justice. It serves political interests, prosecutors’ careers, easier work loads for judges, and sloppy police investigations. The system is so corrupt that 97% of defendants prefer to incriminate themselves than to risk a jury trial in such a corrupt system.

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