Undercover Video Exposes Illegal Aliens Admitting to Being Registered to Vote in North Carolina
Comment by PCR:
Apparently, illegals are permitted to have a driving license. The Democrats have it arranged so that when a person obtains a driving license they are automatically registered to vote. This registration doesn’t give illegals the right to vote. What apparently happens is that the Democrats vote the registrations.
This tells us that for the Democrats power is the issue and that they are willing to set aside citizenship in order to obtain power by stealing elections.
The Democrats have turned America into a tower of babel in which citizenship has no meaning.
Already Americans are being dispossessed in order to give immigrant-invaders pre-paid debit cards, free housing, medical care and schooling. In New York immigrant-invaders have been able to occupy homes. See for example: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-expands-food-debit-card-program-to-include-7300-migrants/5564336/
It will spread and get worse. With 3,600,000 immigrant-invaders entering each year, costs will soon be out of control. The cost of the liberals’ virtue-signaling will be very high. Does the liberal-left understand that they are enabling the restructuring of America into a tower of babel?
Steadfastly refusing to defend America’s borders, the Biden regime with the complicity of Congress has spent $200 billion defending Ukraine’s artificial borders.
And tens of millions of Americans still vote Democrat. The dumbshits are voting themselves out of existence.
The Camp of the Saints advances and becomes more institutionalized day by day.