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Hamas are the only Muslims who will fight  

Hamas are the only Muslims who will fight  

Haaretz reports: “Qatar, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia urged the U.S. to pressure Israel for a cease-fire by Ramadan which begins in the second week of March next year.”  https://us18.campaign-archive.com/?e=e64b86c943&u=d3bceadb340d6af4daf1de00d&id=15ec035dc9 [1] 

Palestinians’ Arab and Muslim brothers in Qatar, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are content to wait until the second week of March for a cease fire.  That is 13 weeks or 3 months from now.  Will any Palestinians still be alive in 3 months?

It seems the only fighting spirit in the entire Muslim world are a few Hamas soldiers.  Little wonder that Muslim countries have been captives of Turkey and then the West for centuries. Little wonder no Muslim country went to the aid of Iraq, Libya, Syria, or Afghanistan.  


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