President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination by the CIA
Comments by PCR
Edward Curtin’s article is a good education for Americans except for one point. He says that all presidents after JFK avoided conflict with the CIA as they understood that assassination would be the consequence. This was not the case with Ronald Reagan. It was President Reagan who achieved President Kennedy’s goal of ending the Cold War. And it was not the case with President Nixon, whose arms limitation treaties with the Soviet Union and opening to China were continuations of President Kennedy’s efforts. The CIA assassinated President Nixon with its orchestration, Watergate, using its asset, the Washington Post, to drive Nixon from office.
Curtin, being a man of the old left, has possibly been influenced by the leftwing’s mindless reaction to the rhetoric used by Nixon and Reagan to hold their conservative base while they negotiated with the Soviet leaders. Conservatives mistrusted the ability of US presidents to deal with the cunning of Communist leaders.