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The Difference Between Them and Us

The Difference Between Them and Us

Survey: 80% of Russians Trust Putin, 77% Approve of His Work

https://sputnikglobe.com/20230512/russians-trust-in-putin-over-80-with-77-performance-approval-rating-poll-reveals-1110287548.html [1] 

Only two-in-ten Americans say they trust the government in Washington (20%)

https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/06/06/public-trust-in-government-1958-2022/ [2] 

Two polls in recent weeks show President Joe Biden’s approval rating at an all time low shortly after he officially announced his re-election bid.

The new Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday pegs Biden at 36% approval and 56% disapproval.

https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/new-poll-latest-show-bidens-approval-time-low-rcna83325 [3] 

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