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Washington Shot Itself in the Head by Facilitating De-Dollarization

PCR Interviewed on Sputnik International

Washington Shot Itself in the Head by Facilitating De-Dollarization

The sanctions on Russia spurred flight from the dollar.

https://sputnikglobe.com/20230413/paul-craig-roberts-washington-shot-itself-in-head-by-facilitating-de-dollarization-1109486264.html [1] 


Brazil calls for ‘move away’ from dollar

https://www.rt.com/news/574709-lula-dollar-straitjacket-china/ [2] 

India’s new foreign trade policy aims to smash dollar’s hegemony

https://www.rt.com/india/574551-india-foreign-trade-dollar/ [3] 

Pepe Escobar Explains Washington’s Destruction of the Western World

https://www.unz.com/pescobar/waiting-for-the-end-of-the-world/ [4] 

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