Project Veritas Employees Stand with Founder James O’Keefe, not with Corrupt Trustees
Project Veritas employees announce that they stand with founder and CEO James O’Keefe, not with the Corrupt Trustees who removed O’Keefe for being effective and bringing out the truth from the mouths of the guilty.
My opinion is that O’Keefe made poor choices for directors who in my opinion are devoid of integrity and were purchased to shut down Project Veritas by firing its effective driving force.
With his interviews O’Keefe presented representatives of Big Pharma explaining their company’s lies and deceptions of the American people. He has presented university professors of “transgender studies” explaining that their goal is the destruction of sexual normality. And much more.
No intelligent trustees would remove the person who is accountable for the organization’s success. The donors and the staff are committed to James O’Keefe, not to the corrupt dumbshit trustees who have clearly shown their rotten-to-the-core selves to be nothing but the hired shills for the official narratives.
I pronounce Project Veritas Dead. The same happened to the Intercept when the founder, Glenn Greenwald was removed. Today no one pays any attention to the Intercept. Truth left the enterprise when Greenwald departed.