By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Suppression of Free Speech Has Close to Majority Support in America Paul Craig Roberts Almost every minute of every day I see overwhelming evidence of America’s collapse as a free country. Elon Musk conducted a poll on whether Twitter should allow President Trump to use the social media platform. Fifteen million people responded. 51.8% of the respondents said “yes,” but…
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How Multiculturalism Serves to Destroy White People and Their Societies
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Biden Regime Continues the Abuse of the Department of Justice as a Politicized Weapon Against President Trump President Trump Represented the White Working Class, a Crime in the Eyes of the Democrats. This will be the sixth taxpayer financed witch hunt of Trump by Democrats who represent the sexually perverse and immigrant-invaders. An Israeli newspaper reports the real…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
Goodbye Ukraine Mike Whitney Explains that Putin Is Abandoning His Disastrous “Limited Military Operation” and Resorting to Real War
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
New York Times Darling Nikole Hannah-Jones sets Twitter mob on Asian woman who complained about violence on NYC subways Nikole Hannah-Jones, a stupid person who hates non-blacks, has been selected by the New York Times and the Eastern “intellectual” establishment to rewrite American history as the slavery of Africans by white supremacists. The dumbshit liberals have bestowed more authority and…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
Europeans Don’t Understand that Immigrant-invaders Are Forever Until Europe Becomes Third World and Unattractive to Invade
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
US Army Seeks to Force Out Soldiers Claiming Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandate, Service Members Report The Biden Regime Is Systematically and Intentionally Destroying the US Military. What force are the neoconservatives going to take to war with Russia, China, and Iran? The U.S. Army is belittling and putting pressure on soldiers who are seeking religious accommodation to the vaccine…
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