Excerpts from Putin’s Address to the Eastern Economic Forum

Excerpts from Putin’s Address to the Eastern Economic Forum https://sputniknews.com/20220907/sanctions-fever-instigated-by-west-is-threat-to-whole-world–putin-1100471962.html

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Zur Zeit Interviews Paul Craig Roberts

Zur Zeit Interviews Paul Craig Roberts about the impact of Critical Race Theory on the US 11 August 2022 “Die Weißen gefügig machen” Ex-US-Vizefinanzminister Paul Craig Roberts über den antiweißen Rassismus in den Vereinigten Staaten English Translation: Dr. Bernhard Tomaschitz, Zur Zeit Editor 1.) What impact does Critical Race Theory (CRT) have on the everyday life of average Americans. In…

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Biden Declares WAR on White America

Dear Readers, this website is a 501c3 public foundation and requires significant public support to exist. If the public does not see value in the website, it loses its reason for existence. It is up to the public whether this website continues to exist. Keep this in mind as you consider our quarterly request for donations. Biden Declares WAR on…

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Estonia Declares Russia “Contained”

Estonia Declares Russia “Contained” Paul Craig Roberts Here I am again tooting my own horn for the second day in row. How did this come about? The answer is that with the death of Stephen Cohen the Western world no longer has an objective Russian expert. It has Russophobes who know America is right and Russia is wrong. What the…

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