When We Are at War with Russia, What Will We Be Fighting For?
Paul Craig Roberts
Not for freedom of thought, of speech, of association, freedom of doctors to treat patients according to their best judgment, due process, habeas corpus, parental rights, privacy, protection against arbitrary search and arrest. All of these protections have already been stamped out in America and throughout the West. Americans would be much freer if the US were conquered by Russia.
We will be fighting for US military/security power and profit.
We will be fighting for the neoconservatives ideology of US hegemony in the interest of Israel.
We will be fighting for narratives that are lies.
We will be fighting against truth.
We will be fighting for the triumph of evil.
In the US we have reached the point that organized patriotism can be enlisted only in the defense of lies such as Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.