The Normalization of Perversion

The Normalization of Perversion

Paul Craig Roberts

Many years ago I wrote that the normalization and legitimization of the first sexual perversion would set the precedent and all others would follow.

And they have.  At any moment I expect an entrepreneur to open a bestiality brothel. 

Normalization begins with a name change.  Queers became gays.  Minor-attracted-person (MAP) is the new name for a pedophile.  The name change softens the historical disgust associated with pedophilia. Just as homosexuals transitioned from abnormality requiring treatment, pedophiles are undergoing the same transformation.  Deviance becomes simply a sexual preference, and all are legitimate. 

Age of consent laws are under attack as a form of age discrimination which denies those arbitrarily defined as under age the freedom to consent to sexual relations with adults.  The argument is made that normalizing pedophilia protects children by making consent possible and thereby replacing assault with consent. 

As advocates of normalizing sexual perversions see it, all sexual desires are good when fulfilled.  It is their suppression that is bad and does harm.  

Considering the extraordinary collapse of the Western world into degeneracy, it can’t be long before we elect a MAP for president.  

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