New Developments on the Ukraine front: A French Military Expert Explains Ukraine, a Story You Will Never Hear from the Presstitutes, and the New York Times Abandons Its Demand for Victory Over Russia
Paul Craig Roberts
“Let’s not expect from our media the truth about the Ukrainian turpitude and exactions,” says Colonel Jacques Gillemain.
The New York Times has abandoned the neoconservative demand for victory over Russia:
“A decisive military victory for Ukraine over Russia, in which Ukraine regains all the territory Russia has seized since 2014, is not a realistic goal. … Russia remains too strong…”
“… Mr. Biden should also make clear to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people that there is a limit to how far the United States and NATO will go to confront Russia, and limits to the arms, money and political support they can muster. It is imperative that the Ukrainian government’s decisions be based on a realistic assessment of its means and how much more destruction Ukraine can sustain.”
John V. Walsh comments:
“As Volodymyr Zelensky reads those words, he must surely begin to sweat. The voice of his masters is telling him that he and Ukraine will have to make some sacrifices for the US to save face. As he contemplates his options, his thoughts must surely run back to February, 2014, and the U.S. backed Maidan coup that culminated in the hasty exit of President Yanukovych from his office, his country and almost from this earth.”
“In the eyes of the Times editorial writers, the war has become a U.S. proxy war against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder – and it is careening out of control.”
The Powers that rule us have changed the narrative. The NYT gives us the new one:
“Recent bellicose statements from Washington — President Biden’s assertion that Mr. Putin ‘cannot remain in power,’ Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s comment that Russia must be ‘weakened’ and the pledge by the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, that the United States would support Ukraine ‘until victory is won’ — may be rousing proclamations of support, but they do not bring negotiations any closer.”
The powers that rule us have used the New York Times to open a front against the neoconservatives who control US foreign policy. We will see if the neoconservative warmongers can be brought to heel before they unleash Armageddon.
As I reported would be the case, Russia’s difficulty in Ukraine is the consequence of the announced limited operation, which gave the otherwise ineffectual Ukrainian military and Neo-Nazi thugs the opportunity to protect themselves by ensconcing themselves among civilians. The urban warfare, given Putin’s restrictions on the use of heavy weapons against civilian populations, resulted in a go-slow war that gave the West every opportunity to demonize Russia and to get directly involved in the conflict by supplying the Ukrainians with weapons, diplomatic support, and vast sums of money–essentially bribes to keep fighting. The Western involvement opened the possibility of a much wider war.
The powers that rule us have recognized that Washington is unprepared and unfit for a wider war and have ordered the NYT to bring the situation under control.
The source of conflict in the world is not found in Russia, China, and Iran. The source of conflict is, as I have reported for years, the neoconservative ideology of Washington’s hegemony over the world. The doctrine, as penned by the neoconservatives themselves, states:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
Putin told the neoconservatives in 2007 at the Munich Security Conference that he accepted no such limits on Russian sovereignty. China and Iran have also rejected Washington’s hegemony. It is the neoconservatives’ unwillingness to accept a multi-polar world that is the cause of conflict. If the neoconservatives are not dethroned, they will bring about nuclear Armageddon.