Beware of Remdesivir, Beware of the mRNA “vaccine,”  and Beware of Fauci

Beware of Remdesivir, Beware of the mRNA “vaccine,”  and Beware of Fauci No pregnant woman should take the vaccine. If you have Covid, do not go to a hospital. They will kill you. Their protocol results in death. Do not accept treatment with Remdesivir. Remdesivir poisoning gave authorities the deaths they needed to create a fear panic. Authorities including the…

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Insouciant Americans Are Complicit in Their Own Demise

Insouciant Americans Are Complicit in Their Own Demise Paul Craig Roberts Americans are a helpless people.  The 4th July flag-waving crowd believe “our government could never do anything wrong” and are important enablers of the secret agendas perpetuated on the American people.  A people incapable of distrusting the government is incapable of being free. The liberal-progressive-left Democrats who hate America…

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