CDC Data Shows Covid Vaccine a Dangerous Threat to the Young
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has had to admit that the agency is shocked to find among young Covid vaccinated people an explosive number of what prior to the vaccine was a rare heart inflammation. According to the reporting system Covid vaccine side effects are seven times higher than all 48,000 side effects of all vaccines. The inflamed heart condition is a dangerous one that can cause permanent impairment and death. The actual numbers are higher than reported as the reporting system only captures a small percentage of vaccine reactions. Regardless, the number of reports of side effects has overwhelmed the CDC monitoring system.
Despite this fact, Big Pharma’s shills among public health bureaucrats and Big Pharma-funded scientists are pushing harder for kids and young people to be given the Covid jabs. The latest version of the fear propaganda is that a new Covid variant is more dangerous to youth who need the protection of the vaccine. (It is called a vaccine, but actually is an experimental technology.)
The situation reeks of total corruption. Big Pharma’s profits come before public health.