G. Gordon Liddy R.I.P.

G. Gordon Liddy R.I.P. Paul Craig Roberts Several years ago I told a former journalist  that the NY Times had degenerated so far into propaganda that I no longer believed the obituaries.  Here is an obituary that almost proves my case: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/30/us/g-gordon-liddy-dead.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20210330&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta&regi_id=31655120&segment_id=54541&user_id=37e12dbf03bcba359546104d0b48992b I say almost because the NYT obituary of G. Gordon Liddy is not … Continue reading G. Gordon Liddy R.I.P.