Supply-Side Economics Correctly Explained

Just as Wikipedia has difficulty reporting biographies accurately, it has difficulty reporting accurately on supply-side economics and other subject matter.  So do economics professors in the class room.  Financial journalists also have no idea what they call “Reaganomics” is. If you click the link below, you can read my brief, clear explanation of supply-side economics published in the peer-reviewed Independent…

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Glenn Greenwald Calls Out and Pillories CNN, NBC, and NYTimes Gestapo Censors

Glenn Greenwald Calls Out and Pillories CNN, NBC, and NYTimes Gestapo Censors    The worst people in the world comprise the presstitute media. Is there a greater enemy to the First Amendment than the American Gestapo media? No, says Andrew Anglin, the presstitutes “are the embodiment of evil.” Read Anglin’s tribute to Glenn Greenwald:  The existence of CNN,…

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Britain’s Orwellian Police Urge Britains to Rat One Another Out for undefined “Extremist Views.”

Britain’s Orwellian Police Urge Britains to Rat One Another Out for undefined “Extremist Views.” An “extremist view” is one that differs from controlled explanations.   Holding unapproved opinions is becoming a crime.  But “we have freedom and democracy.” 

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An Interesting Take on the Mask Mandate

So Covid covered our faces (like slaves) by Gianfranco Amato Power needs to destroy social relations, to create lonely, perfectly manipulable individuals. It even legitimized having to hide his face with a mask. However, how do you have a relationship with the other without seeing him in the face? The human face is the part of the body that must…

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US Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Law Protecting Israel From Boycotting

US Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Law Protecting Israel From Boycotting The Israel Lobby spent a lot of money to get corrupt legislatures in 32 states to protect Israel from being boycotted. The laws are in violation of the First Amendment and are being struck down. See:  The Lobby’s other shield that protects Israel’s theft of Palestine and murder…

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