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The Republican Establishment Sees Trump as a Threat and Wants Him Out

The Republican Establishment Sees Trump as a Threat and Wants Him Out

Paul Craig Roberts

I have long reported that Trump did not understand Washington, did not know who to appoint, and would have an establishment government hung around his neck.  The two non-establishment appointees he made—Gen. Flynn and Bannon—were quickly eliminated by the establishment.

I have several times asked the questions where  Attorney General Barr is on the Russiagate investigation (answer: nowhere), where Barr is on the Hunter Biden laptop investigation (answer: nowhere), and where Barr is on the massive electoral fraud (answer: on the Democrat side).

Here is the latest from Trump’s “Justice” Department:  https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/528194-barr-says-doj-hasnt-uncovered-widespread-voter-fraud-in-2020-election [1] 

It will take a revolution to overthrow the corrupt establishment that rules America.  It cannot be done via the ballot box.

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