By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Ron Unz Examines the Circumstantial Evidence that Covid-19 Originated as a US Biowarfare Attack on China “It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions Coronavirus: What If? (A letter to the editor) April 16, 2020 | Douglas County Herald, Missouri Kimberly Brady, MD, Douglas County What if…? What if the number of Coronavirus cases is not accurate and is actually exaggerated by many times? What if the estimates are based on a flawed computer model? What if the developer of…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Law & Order advocates Are Trying to Convict Defendants on Majority Vote in Place of the Constitutional Requirement The Supreme Court For a Change Defended the Constitution The problem seems to be that blacks won’t convict blacks, so mixed juries have become dysfunctional. This is a consequence of Identity Politics and the belief inculcated in blacks that whites are racists…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Coronavirus Is a Boon for Sea Turtles Before the era of highly toxic chemical fertilizer farming, fields were left fallow every third year. Perhaps Florida’s beaches should be closed every third year to give endangered marine life a chance of comeback.
Read more »By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Mike Adams: How 5G Alters Blood Cell Permeability, Amplifying Coronavirus Fatalities According to Mike Adams of the website Natural News, not only does 5G affect cell membrane permeability, allowing COVID-19 and other harmful pathogens to enter the cell, but it also alters the structure and function of hemoglobin, giving the hemoglobin protein molecule an affinity to absorb carbon monoxide rather…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 April, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Are you ready for a second wave of Covid-19? Paul Craig Roberts In Florida pressure to reopen beaches, vacation rentals, arcades, and restaurants is coming from the tourist industry. Nationally, oil interests are lobbying hard as the price of US crude has hit negative amounts. How can oil be sold for a negative price? Because there is no room to…
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