By: pcr3|13 December, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Sweden Has Departed the Christian West
Read more »By: pcr3|13 December, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
The US as Israel’s Colony by Philip Giraldi Jewish groups in the United States are adept at creating mechanisms that benefit themselves and also frequently Israel at the expense of the American taxpayer. The proliferating holocaust museums are a good example, sometimes built by private donations but then paid for and operated by the local government. The national holocaust…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 December, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
How Israeli Disinformation Works
Read more »By: pcr3|13 December, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Sweden Is A Totalitarian Country A feminist government that hates women—Only 7% of gang-rape defendants are convicted. In Sweden immigrant-invaders are above the law while Swedes are criminalized for exercising free speech. Swedes should flee the evil land while they still can. But where to go? The US and UK are also criminal police states:
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