Putin’s Meekness Endangers Russian Citizens

Putin’s Meekness Endangers Russian Citizens and Is Leading to War

Stephen Lendman argues that the Russian government’s appeasement of Israel and the West is counterproductive and is leading to war. Lendman asks why, despite voluminous evidence to the contrary, the Russian government thinks its acceptance of Israeli and Western aggression will reassure Russia’s enemies and lead to diplomatic agreements that will defuse dangerous situations. To the contrary, Russian meekness and accommodation has cost Russian and Syrian lives and has resulted in preparations for a US/NATO/Ukrainian attack on the Donetsk People’s Republic. http://tass.com/world/1036306

The Russian population in Donetsk is in danger solely because the Russian government was too afraid of offending the West to accept the reunification of Donetsk with Russia. Ukraine would not dare attack Donetsk if it were reunited with Russia.

The Russian government continues in its gullible approach to the West. According to Tass, the Russian Defense Ministry has established “direct communication channels” between the militaries of Russia, UK, France, Sweden, and Finland. http://tass.com/defense/1036208

Apparently the Russian government refuses to accept the fact that Russia cannot rely in any way on communication and agreements with Washington, Israel, and their European vassals.

Here is Lendman’s article:


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