
Newsletter A number of readers have asked why they no longer receive the newsletter, which is only an announcement of new postings. I do not drop subscribers from the newsletter. Here are some of the reasons you might find yourself dropped. At the bottom of the newsletter there is an unsubscribe option. If you are forwarding the newsletter to others,…

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If this report is true, it shows how politicized everything has become

If this report is true, it shows how politicized everything has become There is no longer respect for a person having his/her own opinion and supporting their beliefs.

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Why White Gentiles Can’t Get Admission to Ivy League Universities

Why White Gentiles Can’t Get Admission to Ivy League Universities Paul Craig Roberts If you are a top ability student, but white, especially white male, you have scant chance of being admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, Penn, Stanford, MIT, CalTech, Berkeley, or UCLA. The reason whites cannot gain admission is that in the entirety of the…

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