By: pcr3|07 August, 2018|Categories: Announcements
Two More Reasons They Want To Ban Alex Jones Info Wars is far more popular than the presstitute media. Getting rid of Alex essentially terminates President Trump’s media support.
Read more »New York Times Endorses Hate Speech of Sarah Jeong Racism is acceptable if it is employed against white people. New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong can make all the racist tweets she wants and not be banned from Twitter or fired by the New York Times. Examples: “Oh man. It’s sick how much joy I get from being…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 August, 2018|Categories: Articles & Columns
Apple, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter Subvert the US Constitution, Free Speech, and American Liberty Paul Craig Roberts The coordinated attack on widely watched Info Wars host Alex Jones by Apple, Facebook, Google/Youtube, and Spotify is all the proof that we need that the total failure to enforce America’s anti-trust laws has produced unaccountably powerful firms that are able to exercise…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 August, 2018|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
American Herald Tribune Interviews PCR About Sanctions If the EU Sticks to Its Guns, the Only Victim of Washington’s Sanctions Will be Americans.
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