A Conversation on Race — Paul Craig Roberts

With today’s posting — https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/04/18/conversation-race-paul-craig-roberts/ — I hope to take a few days off until next week, assuming Washington can refrain for a few days from orchestrating another fake or false flag event in order to justify another Washington war crime against Syria and another dangerous accusation against Russia or Iran.

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A Conversation on Race — Paul Craig Roberts

UPDATE: Readers have identified the movie in the broken link. It is Cecil B. DeMille’s “Unconquered” starring Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard. Here is the scene of the sentence of slavery: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you+tubethe+movie+%22Unconquered%22+with+Gary+Cooper&view=detail&mid=A160BA8BAB4735DE134CA160BA8BAB4735DE134C&FORM=VIRE UPDATE: The link to the movie in this column was operative when I posted the column, but has ceased to work since I posted. The movie opens with…

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