Washington Post Comes Out for War and More War Bezos’ war sheet says Social Security, Medicare, and social safety net are in the way of Washington’s much more important need to make war. Too much money is spent on poor American citizens. Not enough is spent on killing foreigners in other countries. Bezos wants to make sure America gets its…
Read more »By: pcr3|12 December, 2017|Categories: Announcements
CNN Mounts New Attack On President Trump Now that CNN’s fake news story of Russiagate has collapsed, this morning CNN is demanding Trump’s resignation as President on the basis of sexual harassment charges. The charges are suspect. Billionaires do not need to sexually harass women. Women are abundantly available to them. Mud-slinging is all American politics is about. How about…
Read more »Nikki Haley represents Israel not the United States Watch her in the video how she sucks up to the Israel Lobby. She knows the Israel Lobby will make her rich for prostituting her position as US ambassador to the UN by serving as Israel’s harlot. http://russia-insider.com/en/russias-fm-lavrov-called-nikki-haley-liar-hes-being-far-too-kind/ri21680
Read more »By: pcr3|12 December, 2017|Categories: Announcements
Dear Readers, I will be away the rest of this week. Be back with you next week.
Read more »The Elite Are Doing Their All To Ensure Americans Only Have Fake News Dear friends, thank you for your support of your website. You can see what we are up against. The oligarchy intends to control all explanations and, thereby, our understanding of events. The elite who rule have no respect for the Constitution or for government that is accountable…
Read more »Is North Korea Really A Dictatorship? Writing in pravdareport.com , Costantino Ceoldo provides insights into the nature of the North Korean government and explains Washington’s responsibility for North Korea’s determination to possess nuclear weapons. Washington has kept a state of war with North Korea open for 64 years and continues to overthrow governments that have policies independent of Washington. Some…
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