Former deputy director of FBI: “the federal government is going to kill Trump” When I said it, presstitutes said I was a kook. Now the former FBI deputy director says it.
Read more »The Actual Terrorists This is an article written by an Austrian, Klaus Madersbacher, who, somehow, was able to see through the heavy blanket of Amerian propaganda that suffocates the ability to think and to pereive throughout the entirety of Europe. He correctly undersands the Western destruction of Libya as a war crime. Germans were executed by the Nuremberg Tribunal for…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 August, 2017|Categories: Articles & Columns
Tyranny at Nuremberg Paul Craig Roberts Update Aug. 12, 2017: Here is David Irving’s account of his arrest, trial, and imprisonment in Austria. His conviction was overturned by a higher court, and he was released. The showtrial of a somewhat arbitrarily selected group of 21 surviving Nazis at Nuremberg during 1945-46 was US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson’s show.…
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