Zero Hedge reports on the Washington Post’s collapse under Bezos from a newspaper into a smear sheet devoid of all credibility.
Read more »By: pcr3|08 December, 2016|Categories: Announcements
PropOrNot Is Out of Step with President-elect Trump Paul Craig Roberts The suppression of truth website, PropOrNot, which hides behind a secret identity in order to libel truthtellers, claims that the Russian government worked with 200 websites, described as “Russian agents,” in order to achieve the election of Donald Trump. A number of Hillary advocates include Trump as a member…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 December, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
Big Money Intends To Shut Down Our Website Paul Craig Roberts Big Money and the US government controlled by Big Money intend to close down Internet truthtellers. As Trump intends to reduce the tensions between nuclear powers, the 200 List prepared by the shadowy Internet site, PropOrNot, is in Trump’s way. Either Trump will be apprised and convinced of the…
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