By: pcr3|07 May, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
When They Killed JFK They Killed America Paul Craig Roberts In the JFK administration I was a White House Fellow. In those days it was a much larger program than the small insider program it later became. President Kennedy’s intention was to involve many young Americans in government in order to keep idealism alive as a counter to the material…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 May, 2016|Categories: Announcements
Academic Freedom RIP There is no longer academic freedom in America or anywhere in the West. You have to toe the propaganda line, tell the lies, or you are out. Today the only reason to go to a university is to be brainwashed, or if you are able to get in Harvard, Princeton, Yale or Stanford, to join an insider…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 May, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Dire Future Paul Craig Roberts Do you remember all the hopes Americans had for Obama when we elected him to his first term? Painful memories. He betrayed the voters on every one of his promises. There was no change, except for the worst as Obama went on to become one of the most vicious war criminals in world history.…
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