By: pcr3|01 July, 2015|Categories: Guest Contributions . John W. Whitehead
Guest Column by John Whitehead The Emergence of Orwellian Newspeak and the Death of Free Speech John Whitehead warns us, correctly, that we are losing both the ability to speak freely and the ability to speak intelligently as words and their meanings are being proscribed.
Read more »Guest Column by Finian Cunningham Finian Cunningham explains that about half of the Greek debt is due to military spending in response to the hyped “Turkish threat.” Now it is Eastern Europe and Scandinavia that are busting their budgets due to the hyped “Russian threat.” The benefactors of the “threats” are the US, UK, German, and French military industries. The…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 July, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions . Other
Has Mother Earth Decided To Cleanse Herself Of Those Who Ravage Her? Paul Craig Roberts Dahr Jamail is one of the last reporters in the Western world. Be certain to read his report on the “Sixth Great Mass Extinction” here: His report is also available on Information Clearing House: I have concluded that only the young, who have…
Read more »Guest Column by Dmitry Orlov Dmitry Orlov has a clever way of putting things. Here he describes the self-destruction of the Western world. The Care and Feeding of a Financial Black Hole By Dmitry Orlov A while ago I had the pleasure of hearing Sergey Glazyev—economist, politician, member of the Academy of Sciences, adviser to Pres. Putin—say something that very…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 July, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns
Greece Again Can Save The West Paul Craig Roberts Like Marathon, Thermopylae, Plateau and Mycale roughly 2,500 years ago, Western freedom again depends on Greece. Today Washington and its empire of European vassal states are playing the part of the Persian Empire, and belatedly the Greeks have formed a government, Syriza, that refuses to submit to the Washington Empire. Few…
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