Ebola Safety Protocol Appears To Be Defective
Paul Craig Roberts
A nurse who treated the Dallas ebola patient has come down with the disease.
The CDC specifies a face mask, which the nurse had along with the other CDC specified gear. The use of face masks is based on the supposition that the virus is not airborne.
Perhaps covering up for itself, CDC’s Dr. Tom Frieden attributed the nurse’s infection to
“a breach of safety protocol.” In fact, the problem might be that respirators are required in place of face masks.
If the CDC misunderstands the nature of the disease and persists in misunderstanding, the disease could get out of control in the US.
Here is the report on the nurse who was protected according to the CDC standard but
became infected from treating the ebola patient: http://www.weather.com/health/american-nurse-tests-positive-ebola-20141012
It is entirely possible that the current ebola strain spreads by other means than past ones. The inability of public officials to admit mistakes could result in an epidemic in the US.